
Friday, January 22, 2010


Rasulullah Sallellahu Alaihi Wasallam Ki Duaein

Ayatal Kursi
                            Before Starting Meal

Recite this Dua After Meal


Dua Before Sleeping & After Waking Up

When Looking In the Mirror

When Entering In Toilet

When Coming out of Toilet

When Enter the House

Before Leaving the Home

Funeral Pray for the Adult Male and Female

Funeral Pray for the Male Child

Funeral Pray for the Female Child

When Wearing Clothes

For Safety Recite this Dua

Salatul Hajath

When Boarding a Vehicle Recite this Dua

Qunoot to be Recited in the Witar Salah

1 comment:

  1. Assalamualaikum asif bhai your doing good work keep work like that only u will get a good(deeds) inshallah god bless you my bro.

    thank you
